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    • joeycracknl
      By joeycracknl
      Hello TO Fans,
      Lately ive made simply website tacticalops.tk and been trying to reach out to players to get it to download with youtube etc.
      Even had multiple times ingame ive met people who just downloaded it from that website, even twice on a saturday.

      Since sometimes websites go down without notice ive decided to harvest all Maps, Mappacks, Mutators, Utitlities, Soundpacks etc.
      And made a Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6eENJfjixsNSDdiX1p6ZFNZNnM&usp=sharing#list
      Id thought id share it here since it has quick and easy download to lots of Map Packs and Maps that could be usefull for one.
      Ive left all files untouched as they have been downloaded.
      Nice thing about the Google Drive is that you can view the contents of .zip and .rar etc files so you can see the inside contents of mappacks and map files etc + you can use CTRL+F to search inside a folder.